Since a few years tomato and eggplant growers get support from the predatory bug Macrolophus to control whiteflies. As this beneficial builds up its army slowly, it is important to introduce the bug early in the season. But once it is at full strength, it does not only protect the crop efficiently against whiteflies, but now and then it also likes to eat a spider mite, a moth egg or an aphid.
Biobest presents Macrolophus per 250 or 500 pieces on vermiculite in a 125 ml and 250 ml tube respectively. The bugs are all in the latest nymphal or adult stage. Macrolophus is best released in the whitefly hot spots or in warmer parts of the greenhouse, in sufficiently large piles, to make a population build-up possible.
Macrolophus can be stored for a short time at 8 - 10C (46.4 - 50F).